"We are the Hunters."
Cosplay Group Feature - Attack On Titan - Katsucon 2014
The cure for burnout PART II: The Solution!
The Problem:
So, last post, we talked about Burnout and how it can ruin all your fun.
I think I've got a solution - and it might surprise you!
Read On
Get ready, get set... ACEN!
Anime Central is complete! While CT works on photos (*cough* Watches Game of Thrones and recovers *cough*) take a trip to ACENs past! Blast off!
The 5 Minute Photo Fix!
These days, cameras are everywhere. We all have the power of photography at our fingertips, in our pockets. Yet I still see lousy selfies popping up on Facebook. Dark hallways. Great Aunt Ethel glowing like a ghost from on-camera flash.
I just want to grab people and go "Oh sweetie, no. NO. You can FIX THAT, it would take you TWO SECONDS."
But, since I probably should NOT start shaking people, I made a tutorial instead!
These are little, TINY things that make a HUGE difference. These are mistakes that everyone has made. You. Me. That guy with the Canikonony 9000.* Big cameras do not equal great photos - so this tutorial is going to help you whether you shoot with a cell phone or an SLR.
*Note: Not an actual camera. Yet. Give them time.
Also, these are tips aren't just for costume. You can use them in ALL your photography. Trust me. Once you start noticing trash cans and bad carpeting, you can't ever unsee them!
In fact, I came up with so MUCH stuff, I turned it into a pdf file! How do you get it?
Through the Mailing List!
Sign-up is totally free. Along with "Better in 5", you'll also get Weekly Flashing (my newsletter) and first crack at con photoshoots, too!
So sally forth, brave photographer! And I hope you find "Better in 5" useful!
LIFTOFF! (No more "Someday," the time is NOW!)
No more "Somedays." No more waiting - CTgraphy is OFFICIALLY full time freelance!