thor 2

Lights! Gods! SNOW?!?!? (Ohayocon 2014 Behind The Scenes!)

Ohhhhhh, Dear Readers, I CAN'T FEEL MY FINGERS. The polar vortex holds my fair state in its icy grip! Winds howl! Snow falls in droves! But do we quail? Do we falter? NO! We endure... we forge on... and we emerge with PHOTOS! Photos of Heroes! Gods! And an insane photographer at work!

Let's go!

Behind The Scenes: Thor and Loki - Ohayocon 2014

Thor - worthythunder
Loki - Elendriel
Behind-The-Scenes Shots courtesy of: PotatoKraken Photography

Location 1 - Courtyard
We hoped for snow pictures, but unfortunately, it was too stormy to stay outdoors. You can see how strongly the wind was whipping Thor and Loki's hair! (They look like a shampoo commerical! :D)

2014-005-Ohayocon (1131 of 2242).jpg

Location 2 - Drury Inn walkway

Important rule of snow shoots - ALWAYS have a backup location! We grabbed a nearby hallway and lucked into some gorgeous golden-hour light! Thor and Loki began striding, owning it like the epic badasses they are! (While having a rousing discussion about Truth! Honor! Patriotism!)

2014-005-Ohayocon (1168 of 2242).jpg

And that is how you deal with 2 gods and 5 inches of snow! :D Stay tuned for more awesome cosplay!

Katsucon 2014 Private shoots still booking here!

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